Sunday, February 05, 2006

Screenplay: Disordered



The storm of a SHOWER suddenly lessens to a trickle, as a curtain of smoky mist slowly dissipates, revealing the wet face of GRACE GELLAR (30) in front of a cream wall washed in warm orange light. She bows her head as a hand appears, covers her face, and sweeps upwards and across her scalp to brush water from her hair. The hand disappears, and her eyes open. She stares straight for a moment, but a door suddenly SLAMS.


Grace’s face, still staring straight, on a field of fluorescent and sterile white. In
the dark irises of her eyes we can see a small figure, lab-coated in white and carrying a tray. The eyes dart left and right, before focusing on the figure again, who has remained motionless throughout. But now the figure, BILLY MORROW (25), takes a step towards her eyes.


The eyes close for a moment. When they open, Billy is still in them. He grows more distinct as he moves closer to her. When he is right before her, he kneels and lays the tray down. He reaches out a hand, but Grace flinches and tries to swat his hand away. Billy grabs her arm as she struggles and tries to break away.

Grace. Grace! Stop it. Stop that!

Grace gradually stops struggling, and remains motionless, almost catatonic. Billy stares at her for a moment, waiting, before he turns to pull the tray a little closer to them.


Billy turns back to her, with a look of relief. Grace shakes her head.

Billy… Billy Morrow…

Billy takes a container of jello and spoons a small amount. Grace’s face is scrunched up in recollection.

William Robert Morrow. Graduated Yale – Yale? Harvard? Yale medical school.

Billy proffers the spoon of jello to Grace invitingly. Grace stares at the spoon. She suddenly looks around again, her head jerking this way and that. Billy tenses.

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