Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Gay.com Column: Solved! The Mystery of Shirtless Peter on "Heroes"

The two biggest mysteries since the beginning of the season: how did Peter Petrelli, played by the sizzling Milo Ventimiglia, end up shirtless in a shipping container? And, more importantly, how can we get him to do that again?

It turns out that the answer to the first question involves a black man and memory wiping. And the answer to the second? A trip to Flashbackland, Heroestopia.

Unlike last season's flashback episode, yesterday's episode revealed the answers to many questions. It revealed the connection between Peter and the mysterious Adam (they were both taken prisoner by the Company, and escaped together), it revealed how Peter and Nathan survived Peter's explosion last season (Peter regenerated, and used Adam's Claire-like DNA to regenerate Nathan), and it revealed how Peter ended up (shirtless!) in Ireland (when the Company tried to recapture Peter, the Haitian helped him get away, and wiped his memories to give him a new life).

All in all, it was a fine episode. A better than fine episode. It was a great episode, a big neon sign that said "Heroes" was back, baby. And not a moment too soon. After too many sprawling, unfocused episodes, the season finally has a sense of purpose again, a grand scheme summarized by David Anders's delicious line as Adam: "Shall we save the world?"

Hell yes.

But more than that, the episode also gave fans two more reasons to continue watching: for the fifth time in just eight episodes, Shirtless! Peter was on display again. That officially puts the hit-rate at over fifty per cent, which can only mean one thing: the writers are deliberately using Shirtless! Peter as a shameless advertising tool.

Which, as you can tell, is totally okay by me. It makes following his scenes a little difficult, what with the constant drool-wiping, but that's really a small price to pay.

Besides Shirtless! Peter, however, yesterday's episode also threw Peter and Adam together, played by two fine guys with a hotness sum much greater than its individual parts. While it was previously unthinkable (for me) that the unholy pairing of Milo Ventimiglia and Adrian Pasdar could ever be surpassed in fineness, it turns out that it very much could: with some finagling on the part of the writers, I'm sure a Peter-Adam-Nathan get-together can be contrived. Seriously, the heat graph would be exponential; I don't even care if they meet as enemies, or as the trio that saves the world, as long as they do. And if the meeting involves a return to the strip/hose-down room of the HAZMAT facility? So much the better for all of us.

The best part of that scenario? The fact that it's very probable - the three's meeting, that is, if not the HAZMAT fantasy. I can't imagine that the season will go by without a Petrelli sibling reunion, and since Peter and Adam seem to be likely partners, a round-up of the three should be in the cards sometime.

Add to that anticipation the twin plotlines of the murdered Elder Heroes and the Shanti Virus, and it's never been a better time to be a "Heroes" fanboy.

"Heroes" airs on Mondays on NBC, at 9 pm / 8 pm central. As if you didn't know.

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